Friday, September 1, 2017

Offsetting the negativity bias - Two breath practice

This is a short practice that will help you offset your natural negativity bias.

The idea came from the movie Peaceful Warrior and is based on the fact that every moment can be experienced as extraordinary, if we know how to access it

Over time it will make you happier and happier.

You can read more at Uncommon Sense Books

Monday, July 17, 2017

Vegan Corner - Vegan Nutrition

Announcing our new Vegan Corner where all sorts of vegan information will be available.  We will start with vegan nutrition information.


We already have info on Protein, Calcium, and B12.

Also, there is a section called Why Vegan? that you may enjoy (with an awesome speech).

Friday, June 30, 2017

The writings of a Healthoholic

It is official, Healthoholic is now on Steemit:

Take a look and follow me on Steemit.

I will write about health, my health experiments, a series on vegan nutrition, etc

Let me know what you want to read about.

Monday, June 12, 2017

What is body detox?

Is detox something scientific?  Or is it just a trendy hype word?

Access the full video here:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Make it Happen

The program is opening its doors!  It helps you beat procrastination in a fun way.

You can watch the initial videos for free here:

Monday, April 17, 2017

How GMOs and glyphosate impact your body

Read more about GMOs and about glyphosate along with its health impacts on human beings at: What is GMO food

There you can also find information about the context within which GMOs and herbicides like glyphosate are being distributed.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Health Aha-moment junkie

These are insights that link acidity and toxicity in an understandable way.

If you are up for more aha-moments visit

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Phytic Acid Foods

There is a bunch of foods that contains phytic acid.  This anti-nutrient steals your minerals and prevents you from using them in your body.  It also affects your metabolic enzymes.

Learn more what foods contain it, how to reduce it, and what other nutrients to eat to combat it.

Read about phytic acid foods.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

5 Benefits of Earthing

Such a simple thing to do, and yet so powerful.  Earth does have healing powers.  The 5 benefits of earthing cited here are based scientific studies.  To learn more about Earthing and grounding and its health benefits please visit

To join the Health Blog for a 7 day free trial visit

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Why Fasting Is Key To Burning Fat

Diets don't usually work in the long run, because the metabolism will tend to go down.  But there is a way of loosing fat and gaining muscle.  Have a look:

Learn more about fasting and also how it can improve your immune system at the Immune System Booster.

You can also get free health tips at our website Stay on the Health Track.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Natural Cancer Cures

This is a concise video on Natural Cancer Cures.  Read more about alternative cancer treatments on our health blog at Stay on the Health Track.

You can get a 7 day free access to all articles by joining the blog here.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Read more about Alternative Cancer Treatments on our blog.

To get a 7 day free trial access to the blog sign up here.

Homemade Natto Recipe

Here is the promised Homemade Natto Recipe!  You download the recipe as a pdf file from Home Natto Recipe:

There you can also read more about the benefits of natto.  Also be sure to check out the vitamin K2 benefits.


Vitamin K2 Benefits

Also check out our Natto recipe video...coming veeery soon.

Read more about K2 on our Blog:

Get a free trial to the blog here:

Sunday, January 15, 2017

What is Earthing or Grounding?

What is Earthing or Grounding?

Well, apparently Earth seems to be a healer.  By touching her you improve your health.
Sounds like wishful thinking?
Well, there is actually quite a bit of science behind this. Check it out:  What is Earthing or Grounding