Monday, April 23, 2018

Are you enslaved by rationality?

This video is about the limitations and violent consequences of rationality.

Yes, these exist.

This video is an exert from the inside of my BooXperience "The Devil is in the Structure".

Access the BooXperience here:

And get the paper version of the book here:

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bioenergetics Part 2: Oral

This is the second of the five fundamental bioenergetics character structures.  It is the Oral structure.  In the video we go into how it is formed, what it looks like when we have it, and how we can start freeing ourselves from it.

Do the free character test here:

Here are NoLimit meditations that target the different structures:

Monday, April 16, 2018

Bioenergetics Part 1: Schizoid

How did you become the way you are? 

Bioenergetics explains how our character is formed.  Here is a little about the first of the five basic character structures and how they are formed.  This is the schizoid one.  It is formed when rejection is experienced.

Do our free online character structure test.

And see our NoLimit Targeted Bioenergetics Meditations.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

What a Startup Needs to Know

The structure of a company will systematically impact it towards greater success or failure. 

Read more about it at:

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Why is Privacy Important?

Without privacy we have no freedoms. 

Read more in the book: